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Xiizu Hatsuichi
Player ID: 184699
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 71
Energetic immunity : 42
Trade sense : 23
Briskness : 138
Initiative : 137
Defence : 645
Attack : 515
Power : 78
Luck : 36
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 39
Principle of Cyclicity = 42
Principle of Balance = 505
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1020 | Lost: 1104
Honor: 4466
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A living story.. :)

Home page Link:

Xiizu's Page

Chapter Links :

 Chapter 1 : Forget and Live
Chapter 2 : Subconscious    
Chapter 3 : Chance Meeting

Extra Links:

MD Character Sketches


I have relocated my papers elsewhere because i already reached limit and i needed a larger space.



A Little Music for entertainment :D

This is where i got this one

MP3 Players


Random Arts :


Theme : Confidence!

Xiizu Hatsuichi
colored version

credits go to:


All drawings and sketches are done by either me or my friends.

For other media that were used in my documents, the reference links and direct codes from sites could be seen. no further mention is necessary. But to name a few:

Thanks to the following:

mp3-codes.com for the music
Reiziel - chan for her inspiring handmade treasures
Neno Veliki for the html codes i used in some of my documents (thanks!)
Yoshi for saving me from the pits of boredom


Personal Notes and Disclaimer :

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The links i am using are unrelated to MD in anyway.

All contents are either provided by me, or the hosting site.



All picture Avatars were taken from the Magic Duel Avatar Database.


All contents will purely be of use only in personal integration of my character in the realm.

All MD pictures were kept in MD.


No rights of MD were broken by any means.


 only personal and character related media and information was shared in the said link.


The link is a well know blogging site for some individuals.



Here's a link to the Host site:


Blogging Site, Multiply



Thanks for Viewing!! <3
Some of my creatures
Mark d Elemental :3 BloodPact Dark Archer II Majestic Winderwild Water Daimon III Walking Tree Grasan Huvourer Fenris

Dont make me hate you ><

Why is there even a hate list..

Anyway, I'll make use of this to keep track of my achievements instead!

MP3 Achievements:

1)  Got the "Combo Fighter" Achievement [ 3 max rituals ]
2)  Got myself my Military papers
3) Solved the berserker's puzzle
4) Won HC on March 2010
5) Entered Loreroot
6) Luckily maxed 8 creatures

1) to maintain profile balance.. XD
2) get more achievements done
3) get sufficient VP
4) buy some armors

~ A Promise ~

As the epitaph of daybreak
predicts the coming of night,
senses slowly fading,
while awake in the weathered light-
beneath the stardusts, two hearts collide,
it starts, at last, in the lucent night.

a heart beguiled, slowed down in time,
gradually trapped in its journey to find,
a reflection which was never found-
in the eyes of the one he’ll never be bound.

the void in the entity that is thee
is seen by many and treasured by we,
one’s who view you as how you’d be,
perfect to all, whoever could see- 

a pointless struggle, a pointless dream,
a pointless battle, as it may all seem-
rather another side of the bitter stream,
of dreams that you have sown,
along with its gleam.

captivated all along, nothing else can be said,
vindicated from it all, i free all of what was read-

while mesmerised, in the fantasy of sleep-
vindictive reality strikes, alas,
awake, i lay staring at the moonlight,
again unified with nothing but vagueness-
everything that is around us remains misunderstood,
just like how i started this story about us,
how there was really nothing between us..


~ She ~

An icon of envy

the seed of eternal disdain.

forevermore wealthy

of the things i cannot gain~


photographs that seem so vane

the only part of you that stained,

this longing, craving,

heart in pain,

that nomore of this can it sustain…


jealousy endears the broken heart,

not knowing, nomore, to where it’ll start-

for now it bares a painful scar,

the war of love has dealt so far..

the thoughs we so detest,

the feelings so long suppressed-

with all of this, we were all blessed,

yet too much.. too much..

for us to play your little test…


A little music for entertainment :D

~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~

i always do this
(as an MP3 who is pressured by the exp cap)


Plan - Your movements for the next coming days..
Do - try to make the best of your experience in MD (both player experience AND gaming experience)
Check - always keep track of how you did each day. This makes your progress easier and more organized
Act - implement your plans and integrate your character into the community.

I support the Golden Globe Gazeebo, AKA GGG by most veterans.

the training in that grounds has taught me various lessons and philosophies.
i hope this applies to others as well as it has gone well for me.

The GGG is best if you wish to train creatures, and do not want to gain experience.
this can help you save more exp for other purposes, after you train the creatures of your choice.

if you are interested, there are certain rules while you stay and interact in that are.

1) a player must only have one creature on defence. it must not do any damage to the attacking player.

Note: i recommend an elemental as the best def for that purpose

TIP : do not put the following creatures on your defence:

a) a grasan stage 1
b)a barren soul - only has 200 ve your ritual will go random

2) when attacking, you must NOT use creatures that target random or single creatures.

Note: to be clear for those people who are new, here's a list of some creatures you should not use :

a) aramor stage 1 - only targets single creatures
b) scouts - targets only single creatures

3) always keep all your creatures FULLY HEALED

some players have creatures that can target "Dying".

to avoid that, just always have your creature's vitality at 100%



this is not, in any way, a claim of what is right and wrong in rituals. i am no expert, but i am experience to some extents.

please follow GGG rules.

Some information here was taken from Rendril Revant's Military papers content from the GGG pillar,
when it still existed.




Page 259 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.
"I knew mortals will damage us more than help us .. but it was a needed sacrifice we had to do". The Shade swarms undecided towards Inner Necrovion. A desperate mortal soul shouts behind it "Master what shall we do, who will lead us?" The Shade stops for a second and thinks .. "Lead..towards what.." then resumes its way. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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